Millipedes are included under the Myriapods which as might be expected includes the Centipedes as well as Symphylas and Pauropods, the latter two being very difficult to identify with confidence due to a lack of material.
Guernsey has quite a selection of Millipedes with some continental influence as will be set out below. The climate in Guernsey also appears to allow some species to thrive outside where in more northern climes they are restricted to heated greenhouses and similar environments.
I originally intended to include all centipedes and millipedes on the same page, but as I started to input data, I realsed there were more species than I remembered so have since decided to split the pages to Millipedes and Centipedes.
Millipedes are not generally easy to identify to species level though of course there are some exceptions of species which can be identified with a glance. A draft ket is in production which along with expert assistance has helped to identify most of the millipedes here.
The current Guernsey lists consist of the following species:
I have added photographs below of the species I have found, a few of the species recorded in Guernsey in the past continue to evade me but I will add my own photographs when I manage to locate a specimen for photography.
Polyxenus lagurus
Chordeuma proximum
Nanogyna polydesmoides
Brachydesmus superus
Polydesmus angustus
Polydesmus inconstans
Polydesmus taranus
Ophiodesmus albonanus
Oxidus gracilis
Blaniulus guttulatus
Chonieulus palmatus
Thalassisobates littoralis
Leptoiulus belgicus
Cylindroiulus punctatus
Ophyiulus germanicus
Ophyiulus pilosus
Brachyiulus bagnalli
Ommatoiulus sabulosus